Velocity portal


Speedshield Technology






2019 - Today


Speedshield Technologies is a telemetry solutions provider that assists clients in managing their fleets, ensuring site safety, and optimizing fleet utilization. As a B2B enterprise, Speedshield collaborates with clients across a diverse range of industries, such as construction, airports, automated warehouses, and heavy machinery manufacturers from global markets, including Australia, the US, and Europe.

Clients access their devices and management tools via the web portal. The current design of the portal is outdated, and the team is dedicated to improve both the design and user experience, while also implementing significant backend structural changes. In 2019, I took over the project from the previous designer.

The challange


The information architecture of the current portal is not intuitive. Users struggle to find things.


The information architecture of the current portal is not intuitive. Users struggle to find things.


The information architecture of the current portal is not intuitive. Users struggle to find things.


The design across the platform lacks consistency and doesn't support themes.


The design across the platform lacks consistency and doesn't support themes.


The design across the platform lacks consistency and doesn't support themes.


Users have difficulty performing basic tasks and frequently seek support.


Users have difficulty performing basic tasks and frequently seek support.


Users have difficulty performing basic tasks and frequently seek support.

The Design System

After I took over, I moved the team to Figma to allow complete collaboration and transparency. A primary business objective was to expedite the system's construction, emphasizing rapid prototyping and development. Additionally, I had to consider the capability for theming. With these constraints in mind, I started with a concise UI kit, incorporating more elements as they emerged. Below you can find a few pages from the design system.

Through years, together with team we have restructured the portal. Following a card sorting exercise, analysing usability sessions from our analytics tool, and categorising user personas, we developed a new portal information architecture (IA) that enables various user types to navigate intuitively and locate items as anticipated.

Company management table

Post maintenance calendar

A wide range of user types access the portal daily, from executives focused on the overarching view to HR and tech managers overseeing fleet and operations. We identified and prioritized essential tasks for each user type and redesigned the experience accordingly.

User management / GDPR Compliant

Fleet dashboard

Operators management / Bulk import

Future steps

Currently, I am overseeing the implementation of the MVP version while also working on less essential user flows. The MVP version has already received great feedback from clients 💪🏼.

Digital Product Designer. Creating user-centered digital experiences to help you achieve your business goals.

Digital Product Designer. Creating user-centered digital experiences to help you achieve your business goals.

Digital Product Designer. Creating user-centered digital experiences to help you achieve your business goals.